Laser Hair Removal

Relaxation, freedom, a feeling of softness and silky skin at any time of the day, any time of the year. Laser hair removal is now synonymous with self-care.

Painful, costly, time-consuming and ineffective hair removal methods are a thing of the past. Razor, wax and electrolysis are outdated procedures. Get rid of unwanted hair growth, irritation and folliculitis with the most advanced technology in laser hair removal and show off the best version of yourself!

Laser Hair Removal

What is Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is the method that makes the soft, smooth and attractive skin you deserve a reality. It is a completely safe and proven effective solution for men and women who experience excessive hair growth in various areas of the body.

It is a relaxed and comfortable process. The only sensation during laser hair removal is a mild, localized tingling sensation that simply indicates that the laser is doing its job properly. This delightful and luxurious treatment of your skin lasts from 20 minutes to about an hour or more, depending on the amount of hair we want to remove.
Multiple visits are required for a complete treatment. Most clients achieve fully smooth and silky skin after 4-8 sessions, with the results lasting permanently over time.
Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal Where is Botox applied?






Bikini Area 






Laser Hair Removal With Laser Alexandrite

Laser hair removal with Alexandrite is the most popular hair removal method, since it offers the best results, instantly, safely and on almost all skin types, from light tones to slightly dark.
Laser Αποτρίχωση Βελούδινο δέρμα από την 1η φορά

Velvety skin from the 1st time

Laser Αποτρίχωση Οριστική μείωση της τριχοφυΐας με λίγες συνεδρίες

Definitive hair reduction with a few sessions

Laser Αποτρίχωση Χωρίς τραυματισμούς και θυλακίτιδες

Without injuries and blisters

Laser Αποτρίχωση Απόλυτα ασφαλές και εγκεκριμένο

Completely safe and approved

Ποια ειναι τα οφέλη;

Laser Αλεξανδρίτη Arion

Λεία επιδερμίδα

Without Pain

Laser Hair Removal Why do laser hair removal?

Because it's easy, painless, and safe, and the results will last a lifetime.

Because it is suitable for all skin types and skin tones.

Because it rids removes unwanted hair as well as ingrown hairs.

Because the laser method is both innovative and yet, very affordable.

Laser Hair Removal Results

Laser Αποτρίχωση Testimonials Testimonials

"Before I came to MD Clinics, I had been to two other places where I was unhappy with the results. Now that I'm almost done with my Laser hair removal treatment, I must say that I am really excited! The doctor, along with everyone on staff, is kind, extremely knowledgeable, and they truly listen to the needs of their clients." 
Αλεξάνδρα Ε.
"My experience at MD Clinics has been absolutely top-notch. Laser hair removal turned out to be the perfect solution for me. I chose laser hair removal because I tend to get razor burn quite easily. I have had zero side effects, and my skin is now soft, clear, and smoother than ever."
Εβίτα Π.
"I was very pleasantly surprised to find that I felt absolutely no pain during laser hair removal. I was talking to the doctor throughout the entire procedure, and at no point did I feel any discomfort whatsoever. Definitely worth it!"
Σοφία Κ.
"I wish I had done this sooner for myself because it completely changed my life. I save so much time in the shower and am amazed at how much thought and energy I have been giving all these years to the torturous waxing routine. Free at last!"
Ελεάννα Δ.

Laser Hair Removal FAQ

Why not keep doing my own hair removal by razor, waxing or electrolysis;

Because that is usually painful, time-consuming and financially unwise. A recent Harper's Bazaar article compared the cost of 3 waxing sessions to 35 years of continuous waxing. The results showed that you save 3 times the amount with laser hair removal.

Is it really safe to laser the bikini area?

Yes. It is perfectly safe and quite common to do laser hair removal in the bikini area and on other areas of the upper and lower legs. However, we recommend you avoid the sun before and after the treatment.

Are there cases where laser hair removal is prohibited?

Laser hair removal is generally a safe, painless procedure. However, the following are not recommended:
-Showering, exposure to high temperatures or strenuous exercise for 2-3 days.
-For application on tanned skin, it is recommended to apply SPF15 sunscreen every morning for a month and then start laser hair removal.
-If there is an open wound, it should be treated first and then proceed to laser hair removal.

How much does laser hair removal cost?

The cost is influenced by various factors, such as the area of application and the number of points where laser hair removal will be applied. In addition, the cost is shaped by the density of the hairs and the colour of the skin.
Make an appointment with us, so that we can create a package tailored to your specific needs.

How long should I stay out of the sun after laser hair removal?

It is recommended to avoid any exposure to the sun for at least 7-10 days. This will reduce any chance of complications. Avoiding the sun and applying sunscreen removes the possibility of side effects such as sunburn and skin discoloration, which recently skin can be quite prone to.

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