Μεταμόσχευση μαλλιών FUE


Hair transplantation is the vehicle to regain one's lost self-esteem. A man's lush tresses are undeniably an element of charm. However, men who start losing their hair at a young age often feel an embarrassment about their appearance. Similarly, when it occurs in older men, psychology suffers as hair falling out becomes synonymous with aging.
Thanks to Hair Transplantation, self-confidence is restored. Say goodbye to the emotional impact of losing hair. Recreate the hairstyle that suits you with your new, strong hair and show off your true self!

How is FUE Hair Transplantation done?

Hair transplantation with the FUE method guarantees the perfect individual placement of each hair transplant, as well as a completely painless recovery. In other words, unlike how it was done with the plugs of the 90s, with this method your hair will not grow vertically but at a natural angle.

State-of-the-art FUE implant pens ensure that the transplanted hairs will spread and thicken naturally so that the end result provides the fullness and uniformity that matches the rest of the hair on your head. Hair is transplanted from the back of your head to the front.

This is because the hair does not fall out from that particular part of the head. The even extraction of hair follicles around the donor area prevents scarring and the back of the head returns to its natural state as soon as your hair grows there again.

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Μεταμόσχευση μαλλιών FUE
Μεταμόσχευση μαλλιών FUE

HAIR TRANSPLANT FUE Who is a suitable candidate?

Hair transplantation involves many more cases than we think. Ideal candidates for Hair Restoration surgery are men who have been losing their hair due to hair loss for over five years. Equally suitable candidates are men who have had baldness for many years and the form has stabilized. Of course, also included are men and women who have lost hair due to trauma, burns or even other cosmetic procedures such as a facelift.
Μεταμόσχευση μαλλιών FUE


Because you will no longer have to worry about your hairline receding or any other loose spots. With a hair transplant, the scalp volume will thicken in the areas that have thinned and your natural hairline will return.
Because your hair restoration will go unnoticed by everyone around you unless you tell them. Your hairline will have that natural look that you'll be happy to show off.
Because taking care of your hair will be very easy. Your transplanted hair is exactly the same as your natural hair. This means, you won't need special formulations for hair that falls out.
Because it will improve not only your appearance but also your self-confidence. Your beauty and confidence will grow and strengthen daily, just like your hair!

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HAIR TRANSPLANT FUE Frequently Asked Questions

When will my hair transplants start to grow?

It usually takes three months after surgery for transplanted hair follicles to start growing new hair, although results can vary from patient to patient.

How long before I can go back to work?

Most people who work in an office environment, or with other colleagues in general, do not want there to be visible traces after a hair restoration procedure, although again this may vary from person to person. Generally, at MD Clinics we recommend that our patients stay off work for approximately 7 to 10 days depending on their skin type.

Hair Transplant Cost: What does it depend on?

The cost of a hair transplant depends on several parameters, such as the extent of the loss,
that one faces, the causes, the technique used, the number of hair follicles that
transferred, so you get the desired result. For all this you can be informed by
MD Clinics doctors at your informative appointment.

Are there any risks?

Quite the opposite. From a surgical point of view, all Hair Transplant procedures are completely safe when performed under local anesthesia. It is considered a relatively minor surgery with minimal, negligible risks. There may be some itching and swelling, but these unwanted side effects subside after a few days.

Which doctor is the best at hair transplant?

The best in hair transplantation is the doctor, who has many years of experience but also
modern equipment. In addition, the appropriate and reliable doctor informs about each stage of the
of the procedure in detail to the person concerned.
The latter should maintain realistic expectations from the transplantation
hair. That is, he understands that the loss of hair can continue after the treatment.

How many times will I have to come to the clinic?

The total number of procedures you will need will be determined by the total surface area of the
baldness that should be covered with hair transplants. The scalp
of the average human contains 100,000 hair follicles before any hair loss occurs. The
final number of grafts you will need depends on the degree of hair loss and
density you wish to acquire.
Most men do not think that they will eventually have a Hair Transplant. This
"sometime" but it's coming. It may come the first time we look at ourselves in the
mirror and see that the dense tufts of the past have thinned out, alarmingly. Maybe
to come when we go to the barber for our regular appointment and hear him say, "Oh.
Back here, your hair is starting to say goodbye." From that moment on, we live with
the knowledge that we are losing our hair. It is normal, from a certain age onwards, just as it is equally normal to lose hair.
expected that our knees will complain after an intensive 5x5, the calories from pizzas and
beers will not be burned at the extravagant pace of our student days and every
a reckless late night will have residue that will accompany us the next day. The difference with
loss of hair? We can prevent it!
And then? Your hair is there. It grows and thickens, every day. It's just as thick in the front,
and back. Your only question is whether you keep them short or long and how you style them. You have
to face a problem of abundance now, where you had a problem of scarcity.
You are with your friends and they tell you how nice your hair looks. You bump into old friends
acquaintances and they have no idea that you've had a hair transplant
"It is a miracle! My hair is there again. Every day it grows longer and thicker, so much so that the hair is growing longer and thicker.
front and back. The only thing I'm worried about now is whether to put them away or whether to
cut short. Just last week I ran into an old classmate of mine on the street and I didn't
have no problem of knowing that if he had hit me last year I would be bald!”

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Μεταμόσχευση Μαλλιών FUE Testimonials Οι αξιολογήσεις μας

Είμαι πολύ ικανοποιημένος με τα αποτελέσματα και τη μεγάλη φροντίδα που έχει δείξει ο γιατρός μου σε όλη τη διάρκεια της διαδικασίας. Συνιστώ ανεπιφύλακτα την MD Clinics για την αποκατάσταση μαλλιών. Έχω ξαναβρεί την αυτοπεποίθησή μου και επιτέλους βγαίνω έξω στο δρόμο χωρίς να φοράω σκούφους τον χειμώνα και καπέλα το καλοκαίρι.
Ιουλία Π.
Η όλη εμπειρία από την αρχή μέχρι το τέλος ήταν άψογη. Ο γιατρός μου εξήγησε τη διαδικασία και απάντησε σε κάθε ερώτηση που είχα. Από τη στιγμή που έφτασα με φρόντισε το προσωπικό που ήταν μαζί μου σε κάθε βήμα. Ήταν μια γεμάτη μέρα και γύρισα για να αναρρώσω και να επιστρέψω το επόμενο πρωί. Συνεχίζω καλά και ως τώρα είμαι ενθουσιασμένος με τα αποτελέσματά μου. Ανυπομονώ για τους επόμενους μήνες που θα αρχίσω να βλέπω τα νέα μου μαλλιά να μεγαλώνουν!
Βασίλης Π.
Έκανα επέμβαση μεταμόσχευσης μαλλιών στην MD Clinics πριν από 6 μήνες. Η διαδικασία ήταν πολύ εύκολη. Ένιωθα σαν να έκανα ένα μικρό τατουάζ. Είμαι πολύ ευχαριστημένος με τον ιατρό μου, είμαστε σε συνεχή επικοινωνία και απαντά σε όλα μου τα μηνύματα μέσα σε λίγα λεπτά. Ανυπομονώ να δω το τελικό αποτέλεσμα αλλά από τώρα μπορώ να πω ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ στην MD Clinics!
Γιώργος Φ.
Πρόκειται για ένα θαύμα! Τα μαλλιά μου είναι πάλι εκεί. Κάθε μέρα μακραίνουν και πυκνώνουν, τόσο τα μπροστά όσο και τα πίσω. Το μόνο που με απασχολεί πλέον είναι αν θα τα αφήσω μακριά ή αν θα τα κόψω κοντά. Μόλις την προηγούμενη βδομάδα πέτυχα στο δρόμο έναν παλιό συμφοιτητή μου και δεν είχε κανένα τρόπο να ξέρει πως εάν με είχε πετύχει πέρσι θα ήμουν φαλακρός!
Άλκης Χ.

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